Chaboya Youth Tutoring Club

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tutors' Meeting

There will be a short tutors' meeting next Wednesday on October 18th for CYTC during break in Mrs. Schafer's class. In this meeting, you will answer any questions you may have and give a brief overview of how it will all work.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Tentative Tutoring Schedule


Currently, CYTC will run at Matsmoto on Mondays (2:15-3:45PM), Wednesdays (2:15-3:45PM), and Fridays (2:15-3:15).
If we do not experience any technical difficulties, tutoring will begin on the 23rd of October and continue every week after that.

There will most likely be a meeting before tutoring officially begins, and we are currently arranging for that. Information will be posted as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Chaboya Youth Tutoring Club 2006?

Hi everyone!

A new school year has started, and CYTC may be opening again for those of you who need community service/volunteer hours.

If you are interested, tell us at .

NOTE: The probability of the group starting depends on the number of participants interested, so please let us know if you plan on tutoring.